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Attracting a Gen Z Audience with TikTok


TikTok views


Attracting a Gen Z Audience with TikTok


TikTok views


Xiaomi, a Chinese designer and manufacturer of consumer electronics, first reached out to us to strategically plan a 10 year anniversary campaign through video marketing, with an aim to drive awareness of the brand in the EU marketing to build brand loyalty and generate sales.

Following the success of the first campaign, Xiaomi wanted to do an unboxing campaign for a new product the Redmi Note 10 Smartphone - to increase traffic on their TikTok channel and target a new audience: Generation z.


Target audience research


Concepting and hashtag generation


Creative direction and production



Xiaomi Corporation is a consumer electronics and smartphone manufacturing company that is connected by an IoT platform at its core. Xiaomi is also the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world.

Xiaomi focuses on being a user-centric mobile internet company who aims to exceed expectations through innovation in software, hardware and services.


Embracing new challenges

With the global rise of TikTok becoming the preferred social media platform for Generation z (Gen Z) users, Xiaomi saw an opportunity to promote their products to a younger audience on an increasingly growing platform. They wanted to showcase new products whilst communicating there is no limit to style.

Gen Z craves real and relatable content instead of curated aesthetics, creating video content that not only resonates with the audience but is entertaining and authentic.

Another challenge which Xiaomi faced, along with multiple businesses globally, was tapping into trending content without being able to use unlicensed music. TikTok's merger with Musical.ly saw user numbers soar as more music and sounds became popular within trending dances and memes.

Often the music or sound is a successful tactic to drive trends and is what the audiences engage with, so limited to just royalty free music within the commercial library, Xiaomi needed to leverage other tactics through video content in order to get noticed and to stand out against its competitors.


Why Code Milk?

Xiaomi needed an agency that had worked with clients across different regions, and who had a strong relationship with a creative agency to produce the videos.

We had a relationship with the marketing directors representing Xiaomi from their previous roles, so they knew they could trust us to deliver. We were referred to a consultancy and given the opportunity to pitch for a brand video for the 10th anniversary of Xiaomi. 

Our Collaboration

Having worked with Xiaomi on the 10 year anniversary campaign, Code Milk already had a solid understanding of Xiaomi as a brand and their product offering.

With dedicated time and resources to understand the client and the business needs alongside building a robust strategic plan which meets the client's goals, we kicked the project off by building the foundations of the strategy, discovering more about the target market, current market trends, competition and keeping up with TikTok trends.

The discovery phase was crucial to determine how to communicate the correct message to the target audience in the most engaging, relevant way. TikTok taps into this with creative, low-fi content, breaking the traditional medium of a social platform with entertainment-focused content UI centred around immersion versus engagement.

We created an engaging hashtag and narrative, #UnboxYourStyle, to attract the target audience. We were then able to strategically plan a series of videos to be produced and published on TikTok.


Once we have approved TikTok trends, the Studio Team developed initial creative concepts. The client chose their preferred option and we then needed to manage logistics; sourcing influencers, models, locations, props etc.

On shoot, our Art Director oversaw the video filming to ensure the footage captured was creative and answered the brief. Our animation team brought the videos to life through bespoke illustration animation which we shared with Xiaomi to put on their channels and also provided the clips to influencers to share on their channels as part of our agreement. 

A strong strategy, combined with a streamlined production led to the development of an engaged target audience that was informed by clear insights:

Collectively the videos received 2.5M views, 115,7K likes and 895 comments. 

The top video out of the three TikTok videos in the series was the Skateboarding video, which received 888.1K views, 52,1K likes, 472 comments, 358 saves and 346 shares. 

Since this campaign we have produced 35+ videos for Xiaomi, the top video receiving 12.1M views and 85.9K likes. 

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TikTok videos






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